
10/13/2024 - 10/19/2024


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6:30pm - 7:30pm

Gracie Combatives

Class 10 - Positional Control - Side Mount | Double Leg Takedown (Aggressive Opponent)

Class 10 - Positional Control - Side Mount | Double Leg Takedown (Aggressive Opponent)


Positional Control - Side Mount
Your objective in a ground fight should be to neutralize the threat and subdue your opponent with the lowest level of force necessary. To achieve this, you’ll want to rely on one of many fundamental ground control positions, not the least of which is Side Mount. This position gives you unparalleled control of your opponent with the lowest energy expenditure due to the inherently strong base in provides the top person and the rate at which it depletes the bottom person. In this lesson you will start by learning how to counter the most common escape attempts that a larger opponent is likely to use, and then you’ll learn how to transition to the mount position once they have exhausted all their energy.
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Double Leg Takedown (Aggressive Opponent)
The advantage of establishing an upper body clinch is that once you take your opponent down you end up in the very dominant mount position, and you can disengage from the clinch if necessary (e.g., in a multiple attacker situation). If you anticipate difficulty in establishing the clinch, however, the Double Leg Takedown is a great alternative. In this lesson you will learn the basic mechanics of the Double Leg Takedown, and then you will learn how to apply it against opponents of varying levels of aggression.
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6:15pm - 7:15pm

Gracie Combatives

Class 11 - Headlock Counters - Mount | Standing Headlock Defense

Class 11 - Headlock Counters - Mount | Standing Headlock Defense


Headlock Counters - Mount
The goal in a fight is to achieve the mount where you can control and exhaust your opponent with relative ease. Once you accomplish this, your opponent will panic and desperately attempt to escape. One of the most common escape strategies used by unskilled individuals is to establish a headlock and throw you off of them. The Headlock Counters from the mount will keep you from getting rolled off of a larger opponent, and prepare you to take advantage of the submission opportunities that will inevitably arise. First, you will learn how to prevent the escape attempts, and then you will learn how to finish the fight in two different ways.
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Standing Headlock Defense
Once you establish the clinch on your opponent, there is a good chance that they will get desperate and try to catch you in a headlock. Without the proper escape strategy, the Standing Headlock can be a very painful and demoralizing experience, but with the proper technique you can turn the tables and use their hold to your advantage.
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6:30pm - 7:30pm

Gracie Combatives

Class 12 - Headlock Escape 1 - Side Mount | Standing Armbar

Class 12 - Headlock Escape 1 - Side Mount | Standing Armbar


Headlock Escape 1 - Side Mount
Besides punches, headlocks are the single most common form of aggression used by untrained individuals on the streets. Although they aren’t as effective as a true submission hold, getting caught in a headlock by a stronger opponent can be a very painful and demoralizing experience. The Frame Escape is the first of two headlock escape strategies that we recommend you perfect for use against larger adversaries in a ground fight. In this lesson, you will start by learning the Standard Frame Escape, and then you will see what to do if it doesn’t work.
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Standing Armbar
Although we normally recommend you take the fight to the ground, sometimes your opponent will give you an opportunity to end the fight while standing. Many confrontations begin with an opponent pushing your chest with one or both hands unknowingly creating the perfect opportunity for you to apply the Standing Armlock. First, you will learn the Basic Application, then you will see how to use it in a more dynamic situation.
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6:15pm - 7:15pm

Gracie Combatives- Reflex Development

Reflex Development - Mount Focus

Reflex Development - Mount Focus


Reflex Development - Mount Focus Class Preview

In this class we'll bring together all of the mount controls, escapes, and submissions with some extra details, bonus slices, and scripted fight simulation drills that will help prepare you for your transition into Master Cycle!

Gracie Combatives Test - Drill 1: Mount Techniques
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10:45am - 11:45am

Gracie Combatives

Class 03 - Positional Control - Mount | Body Fold Takedown

Class 03 - Positional Control - Mount | Body Fold Takedown


Positional Control (Mount)
The mount is the most dominant position in a fight because it enables you to win the fight in a variety of ways while depleting your opponent’s energy. You must understand, however, that as soon as you achieve the mount, your opponent will do everything in his power to get you off of them. In this lesson you will learn how to control and exhaust a larger stronger opponent from the mount. First, you will learn how to apply effective hip pressure, and then you will see how to neutralize the most common escape attempts you can expect from an untrained opponent in a real fight.
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Body Fold Takedown
Instead of exchanging punches with a larger opponent, we recommend that you establish the clinch and take them to the ground where you can exhaust and submit them. Once you establish the clinch, there is a good chance that they will get desperate and try to hit you in the face. In doing so, they will lean back and unknowingly create the perfect opportunity for the Body Fold Takedown.
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